Profeten Obadias bog – en videnskabelig kommentar til teksten
Obadja er en af de mindre profeter, en samtidig med Jeremias og Ezekiel. Profeten Obadias bog ligger på fjerdepladsen i rækken af bøger om de mindre profeter og består af et kapitel. Det menes, at bogen blev skrevet under det babyloniske fangenskab. Uden undtagelse er alle Obadias profetier rettet mod edomitterne – et folk, der boede sydøst for Judæa og deltog i plyndringen af Jerusalem i 586 f.Kr. e.
The family in historical and psychological aspects
Год выхода: 2023
The family is a social unit based on marriage and blood relations; in the modern sense, it is a group of close relatives (parents, children and others) living together. Having arisen at a certain stage in the development of primitive society, the family subsequently undergoes a number of changes based on the development of production and in connection with the development of forms of marriage and kinship.

Год выхода: 2023
Scientist Ridge creates models of robots, each of which is becoming more and more perfect. The latest model, a robot named Asso, which Ridge will have to finish working on by making his first flight to Mars.
Lupo is a space weirdo
Год выхода: 2023
Humanity is only at the very beginning of the path of studying the universe. The carefree merry man Lupo Devega, idly wasting time, accidentally encounters an alien on the city embankment. The guy does not care about the universal problems and mysteries of the universe, but playfully and having fun, he wedges into the cunning plans of a humanoid.
Prema Sai Baba. The Mystery of God. Part One
Год выхода: 2023
This book is dedicated to Prema Sai Baba, the divine incarnation of the 21st century. Prema Sai Baba is the third incarnation of God on Earth, in our era. The first was Shirdi Sai Baba (1835–1918), the second was Sathya Sai Baba (1926–2011).At the outset, I must acknowledge the difficulty of writing this book at this very moment. It is now 2023. The previous incarnation of God, Sathya Sai Baba, left the physical body in 2011, that is, twelve years ago.Prema Sai Baba was born on June 28, 2012. At...
Measurement № 24
Год выхода: 2023
Geography teacher Madas Nave has spent his whole life in a small town. His fate is only a reflection of millions of ordinary people like him. On his fiftieth birthday, his tiny world turns into an infinitely huge universe.
The Librarian
Год выхода: 2015
If Ryu Murakami had written War and Peace As the introduction to this book will tell you, the books by Gromov, obscure and long forgotten propaganda author of the Soviet era, have such an effect on their readers that they suddenly enjoy supernatural powers. Understandably, their readers need to keep accessing these books at all cost and gather into groups around book-bearers, or, as they're called, librarians. Alexei, until now a loser, comes to collect an uncle's inheritance and unexpectedly...
The Texas Spider
Год выхода: 2023
In a small town in Texas, Whitney Graham lives, whose life changes on an ordinary, rainy evening, with the appearance of a previously unknown insect.
Мрії збуваються
Год выхода: 2023
У старому підвальному приміщенні горіла одинока свічка.У цьому моторошному місці могли жити тільки пацюки. Але тишу порушували краплі води, що лунали із ржавих труб та сумне дихання похмурого обличчя. Дванадцятилітній хлопчик став називати себе Діком. Вже півроку його будинком став підвал, друзями – пацюки, між ними був негласний договір: їжу ділили навпіл і не чіпали один одного. Страшне життя для дитини. Але він так звик. Тому, коли зовсім чужий чоловік пожалів Діка, хлопчик не знав, що...
Непотрібність великоруської літ. для України і для слов'янщини
Україну жде погана перспектива в Росії, перспектива темна, як ніч, і тільки нові українські інтеліґентні національні сили світять в тому темному будущому часі, як зірниця ранком. Сходь же, зоре, і поведи за собою пишне літнє гаряче сонце, щоб воно освітило всю Україну, прогнало сумну, пекельну ніч і повело за собою ясний день науки і просвіти – і волі, волі, волі... Наше будуще в чужих руках, але... і в наших! Україна буде й мусить домагатись права свої національности, свого язика в усіх школах...
Gifts of the Ghost
Год выхода: 2022
Серия: The Meowing Medium (#2)
I'm Mags McAllister, and my cat is a ghost. Well, sort of. It's a long story. All you really need to know is that, thanks to said cat, I can now see the spirits of people long past. They bring me the mysteries surrounding their death and expect me to solve them. But you can't exactly do a quick Google search to learn more about small-town events that happened more than a century ago. Apparently you help one wayward specter and more will start appearing at the foot of your bed in the middle of...
Pleas of the Poltergeist
Год выхода: 2022
Серия: The Meowing Medium (#3)
My name is Mags McAllister, and I really need to stop being surprised when new ghosts show up at my door. Thanks to my special spectral feline Shadow, I have a largely unwanted link to the spirit realm--and word is starting to spread that I'm a good person to haunt for those who wish to button up their unfinished business. This time, my new ghost has a voice of her own, and she is definitely not afraid to use it--to make demands, complain, and even to criticize my choice of clothing. Frankly,...
Luna the Magickless Fluff
Год выхода: 2022
If you've never been to a magical cat wedding, then you are definitely missing out! But with so many supernatural creatures gathered in one small space, there's bound to be a kerfuffle or two. Luckily, Gracie Springs, resident human, wedding planner, and familiar extraordinaire, is on the case.
Recipes of youth: from 35 to 25
Год выхода: 2023
In this inspiring book, we will embark on an exciting journey to health and activity. The author, sharing his personal experience and saturating it with humor, invites us to pay attention to the importance of self-respect and self-care. He offers practical tips and techniques to help overcome obstacles and find the joy of movement and youth. This book will become an indispensable companion for everyone who strives for a healthy and active lifestyle, and embodies the desire to surpass themselves...
Сестра Керри [англ. и рус. параллельные тексты]
Издание первого романа Теодора Драйзера (1871–1945) было сопряжено с такими сложностями, что это привело его создателя к тяжелой депрессии. Но дальнейшая судьба романа «Сестра Керри» оказалась счастливой: он был переведен на многие иностранные языки, переиздан миллионными тиражами. Новые и новые поколения читателей с удовольствием погружаются в перипетии судьбы Каролины Мибер.
Американская трагедия [англ. и рус. параллельные тексты]
"Американская трагедия" — самый известный роман Теодора Драйзера, входящий в золотой фонд мировой литературы и неоднократно положенный в основу сценариев кино- и телефильмов. История "американского Растиньяка" Клайда Грифитса, не брезгующего в своих попытках пробиться наверх ни подлостью, ни предательством, ни даже преступлением, совмещает в себе лучшие черты увлекательного детектива, остроумного "романа нравов", глубокого философского исследования.
Persian Penalty
Год выхода: 2020
Серия: Pet Whisperer P.I. (#15)
With the help of her animal companions, Angie has finally located her long-lost grandmother. Charles, Paisley, and Octo-Cat accompany Angie on an impromptu road trip, but this family reunion isn't all hearts and flowers. Join the gang as past and present converge, and both bring new mysteries to solve.
Sathya Sai Baba. Supernatural Experiences and Divine Transformation. Book Two
Год выхода: 2022
Before you is a book about the life and philosophy of the great Indian mystic and miracle worker Sathya Sai Baba. He was a spiritual mentor, philosopher, public figure and the most significant miracle worker of our time. Sai Baba preached the unity of all religions, taught meditation practices, and his blessings healed and changed people's lives. For me, Sathya Sai Baba is a divine teacher who helped at all levels of human existence, from the highest spiritual realizations to the most everyday...
Sathya Sai Baba. Supernatural Experiences and Divine Transformation. Book One
Год выхода: 2022
Before you is a book of memoirs about the greatest Indian mystic and miracle worker Sathya Sai Baba. He was born in the very south of India in 1926 and left his body in 2011 at the age of eighty-four. He was known as a philosopher, humanist, spiritual teacher, and the most significant miracle worker of our time. Sathya Sai Baba preached the unity of all religions, taught meditation practices, and spiritually transformed people with his blessings. With the help of his supernatural abilities, he...
Johán Valano
Anthology containing: Johán Valano-1 by Unknown Johán Valano-2 by Unknown Johán Valano-3 by Unknown Johán Valano-4 by Unknown Johán Valano-5 by Unknown Johán Valano-6 by Unknown
Год выхода: 2021
Earlyborn is about the main values of life, such as family, kindness, humility, self- perfection and hope for the best. In addition to that, the book is about the role of social networks in our life :)
How to make life happy psychology in a simple way
Год выхода: 2019
As long as you live, you can change the world around you. Love! Live! Translation from Stuart Sturgess. Обложка книги подготовлена автором.
From the man who has won more Hugo and Nebula Awards than any other author in the history of fantastic literature, three complete novels that embody the concept of time travel. LETTERS FROM ATLANTIS Time travel has allowed Roy's consciousness to enter the mind of the heir to Atlantis's throne. But if he was in an Atlantis unlike anything the researchers had predicted, then what were its secrets? And when would it be destroyed? PROJECT PENDULUM The nature of time mechanics requires that...
Five Passengers from Lisbon
Год выхода: 1946
«NIGHT… FOG… AND MURDER!! It had begun as a voyage to freedom, a dream come true. But now every passenger on the ship was stalked by deadly fear, every shadow had become infused with dread. One man had died, a knife buried deep in his back. Another had met an even more gruesome end. That was bad, but what was worse – the murderer was readying to strike again…» Five passengers and three crewmen survive a sinking Portugese cargo ship via a lifeboat, but when they're picked up...